Orlando Headshot Photographers | Central Florida Professional Head Shots | Orlando Corporate Event Photography

November 27, 20130

We haven’t posted any blogs on our head shots lately, so we figured what better time than Winter in Orlando!  Now is the best time of year for head shots in Central Florida.  The weather is nice and cool, which allows more time to capture portraits outdoors in a suit and tie for the guys or blouse and jacket for the ladies without worrying about sweating.  As you may have noticed, we capture professional head shots indoors as well as outdoors, depending on what our clients are using their images for.

We capture two styles of head shots; the first is our casual head shot, typically taken outdoors.  These are our most popular head shots, and are mostly featured in magazines or related publications, due to their casual inviting look.  They can be captured at the office, home, or public space, and typically take up to 30 minutes, as we bring minimal equipment.  We utilize as much natural light as possible, as our goal is to provide the most professional lighting to your image.  We prefer to capture our casual head shots early in the morning or later in the afternoon, as the temperature is cooler and we have more shade from the sunlight to work with.  You wouldn’t believe how many amateur photographers capture head shots where the sunlight is directly in their subject’s face, casting very harsh and unflattering shadows!

The second head shot style we special in is a Professional Bio Head Shot, which utilizes professional modeling lights, and a few varieties of backdrops.  These head shots are much more time intensive, as we not only bring and setup equipment on location, but also perform more detailed editing to ensure a sharp, professional image suitable for all forms of advertising, publication, and social media.

We require an appointment for either head shot style, so please give us a call at 407-504-7314 or email us at smiller@stevenmillerpix.com to schedule your head shot.  We ask that you please allow 45 minutes for our head shot session, and let us know if you have any preference on the location we capture your head shot.  We look forward to adding some ‘Pop’ to your marketing and online presence with our professional head shots!  See below for some of our most recent work, some of which featured in Orlando Style Magazine!

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Orlando Head Shot Photography | Steven Miller Photography Orlando

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3201 Corrine Drive #202 Orlando, FL 32803

Orlando’s Best Corporate and Commercial Photographers

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