Please note that the following images may contain graphic realism, not suitable for all ages without parental guidance. Recently we partnered with Bobby Ray to help capture an impromptu modeling session, themed around AMC’s Original Series, The Walking Dead! These models were perfect for their roles, inspired by characters and zombies from the TV series. We had a blast adding an artistic flare to these scenes. Many of our images are based on scenes depicted in the series; however, others focus specifically on the characters, and showcase the realism and atmosphere of the solitude these characters in the show are faced with. Now if only we could find a prison… Makeup and special effects artists Heather Williams and Scott Endstrasser did a fantastic job with the realistic zombie details!! We hope you enjoy these images as much as we enjoyed capturing them, and we can tell the models had a blast as well! We are excited for the next project, so be sure to follow us on Facebook for more sneak peeks from these awesome session!!
Photographer: Steven Miller of Steven Miller Photography |
Photos based on: AMC’s The Walking Dead
Additional Photography: Emdhy Pino
Makeup Artist: Heather Williams
Additional Makeup: Scott Endstrasser
Tags: amcs the walking dead, steven miller photography orlando, the walking dead zombie makeup, zombie photos
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